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Conversion Kits

  • 1G-3G Conversion (462802C) 1G to 3G Conversion - Retains Stock Wiring

    1G-3G Conversion (462802C)

    This kit is made specifically for the installation of a Ford 3G alternator on any vehicle where the stock alternator was EXTERNALLY regulated.  We incorporate a new replacement external regulator box (as shown) to capture the proper circuit and...

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  • 3G Adapter (462802B)

    3G Adapter (462802B)

    This is a 3-Wire Regulator Converion Plug specifically for the installation of a Ford 3G Alternator on any vehicle where no Stock Wiring will be re-used.  For those who want a "1-Wire Type Hookup" using this plug is the closest possible...

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